
Winery Management Toolkit

With sev­er­al hun­dred winer­ies on the Cen­tral Coast, Glenn Bur­dette is fre­quent­ly asked for busi­ness tools and tem­plates to assist win­ery own­ers, man­agers, accoun­tants and book­keep­ers as they nav­i­gate the com­plex­i­ties asso­ci­at­ed with win­ery account­ing and finance.

Toolkit Overview

With sev­er­al hun­dred winer­ies on the Cen­tral Coast, Glenn Bur­dette is fre­quent­ly asked for busi­ness tools and tem­plates to assist win­ery own­ers, man­agers, accoun­tants and book­keep­ers as they nav­i­gate the com­plex­i­ties asso­ci­at­ed with win­ery account­ing and finance. As part of the Cen­tral Coast Wine Region, Glenn Burdette’s Win­ery Man­age­ment Toolk­it offers resources to help small busi­ness own­ers. These tools are open source,” mean­ing they can be mod­i­fied by you to fit your par­tic­u­lar needs. With these tools you can gain deep­er insight and feed­back from your busi­ness at its var­i­ous stages. Please con­tact our Wine Team (805.544.1441) if you would like to dis­cuss any of these tools and how they could be uti­lized in your business.

This tem­plate can assist you with cal­cu­lat­ing the cost to pro­duce wine. It is designed using the peri­od” con­cept of account­ing and assumes that this spread­sheet will roll from peri­od to peri­od. It is not designed to cap­ture or cal­cu­late a sin­gle vin­tage from begin­ning to end. This is because vin­tages often span mul­ti­ple account­ing periods.

This tem­plate can help you com­pute your expect­ed rev­enue after account­ing for your var­i­ous prof­it chan­nels and their asso­ci­at­ed dis­counts, allowances, spe­cial pric­ing arrange­ments, and incentives.

  • This sam­ple chart of accounts can be pro­vid­ed in Excel in the event that you wish to import it into your account­ing sys­tem. This chart of account assumes that you have a flat” gen­er­al ledger sys­tem that does not have vol­ume track­ing that fol­lows the cost accounting.
  • This sam­ple Quick­Books 2014 file is a start­ing point for new small-sized winer­ies. This Quick­Books file is pop­u­lat­ed only with the Chart of Accounts. Your com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion will need to be updat­ed under Com­pa­ny > My Company.
  • This PDF of the sam­ple chart of accounts shows how gen­er­al ledger accounts can be grouped for cost pool­ing. This group­ing allows for sum­ma­ry lev­el and detailed report­ing of cost pools and their relat­ed cost accounts.

About Chart of Account Numbering:

Account­ing best prac­tices use a stan­dard­ized num­ber­ing sys­tem for the chart of accounts. This assists with data input, map­ping of gen­er­al ledgers to finan­cial state­ments and tax return prepa­ra­tion and assists with trac­ing, tick­ing and tying sched­ules to spe­cif­ic accounts. We rec­om­mend that each account be assigned a num­ber. By using six dig­its you can break down your chart of accounts into cost pools and expense categories.

General Structure:

10000 · Assets
20000 · Liabilities
30000 · Equity
40000 · Revenue
50000 · Cost of Goods Sold
60000 · Pro­duc­tion Costs (allo­cate to inventory)
70000 · Sales & Mar­ket­ing Expenses
80000 · Gen­er­al & Administrative
90000 · Oth­er Income & Expenses

This tem­plate can help you set sales goals with your sales man­agers and track expect­ed sales against actu­al sales. Designed to be sim­ple, this tem­plate fore­casts based on sea­son­al­i­ty, which you can deter­mine from your own sales his­to­ry or bench­mark against indus­try aver­ages. Each chan­nel rolls up into an exec­u­tive summary.

These tem­plates can give you a tool to assist you with struc­tur­ing a for­mu­la-based incen­tive com­pen­sa­tion plan that align with three strate­gic pri­or­i­ties. The incen­tive com­pen­sa­tion mod­el allows for set­ting a range of suc­cess fac­tors that are inde­pen­dent­ly com­put­ed and weight­ed against a total incen­tive com­pen­sa­tion amount.

This tem­plate can help you com­pute your finan­cial per­for­mance met­rics and com­pare change in per­for­mance over var­i­ous peri­ods in time. These met­rics also pro­vide stan­dard bench­marks for ratios that apply to var­i­ous size wineries.

Before mak­ing the deci­sion to move for­ward on a Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Project, be sure you have a clear under­stand­ing of the full impact it will have on your after-tax cash flow. This tem­plate is a case study of an analy­sis of the cash cost and cash ben­e­fit of mov­ing case stor­age from a third par­ty off-site facil­i­ty to an on-site con­struct­ed case goods facil­i­ty, with the assump­tion that the facil­i­ty will only be used for case goods stor­age and not wine processing.

DISCLAIMER: This toolkit is provided to you as a courtesy and is not designed to be used or interpreted as a method of accounting that can be used for GAAP or tax compliance purposes. The figures contained in the sample data set are completely fictional and should not be viewed as indicative of industry standard. Further, any similarity of these figures to any organization are merely coincidental.