IMG 1192 93 94 BW

Events & Seminars

In the Community & Classroom

Our pas­sion is to engage, edu­cate and help you make the most of your busi­ness potential.

IMG 1192 93 94 BW

Jan­u­ary 16, 2025 

Our pop­u­lar Win­ery Busi­ness Sem­i­nar is designed to help clients max­i­mize the finan­cial strength of their winer­ies and vine­yards, this year’s event focus­es on the roots of suc­cess. We invite you to join us.

You’ll learn about new and chang­ing tax laws impact­ing the wine indus­try and we’ll share valu­able tips on the foun­da­tions of finan­cial state­ment analy­sis and account­ing guid­ance. Whether you’re an expe­ri­enced CFO or new to book­keep­ing or account­ing, this sem­i­nar offers tips and infor­ma­tion to help you suc­cess­ful­ly lead or man­age key aspects of prof­itabil­i­ty in the wine industry.