Allen Eschenbach

Our Team

Allen Eschenbach


Al’s love for numbers hearkens back to some of his earliest memories. “At age six I was calculating shooting percentages in basketball and batting averages in baseball,” he says.

This early passion put him on a collision course with statistics, economics and accounting by way of the Cal Poly Business Administration program. From there, this New York native flexed his financial prowess at a national firm in San Francisco before finding his way back to San Luis Obispo to join the Glenn Burdette team. Respected for his meticulous approach to complex financial statements and his expert handling of varied audits, Al enjoys working collaboratively with clients to help them raise the bar in their business operations.

When he’s not working, this father of a blended family of 9 children is all about family, sports and reading. Having clocked scores of hours coaching youth sports, he is rewarded by seeing kids build confidence, abilities and skills.

Asked for a pearl of wisdom, Al says, “Discretion is the better part of valor. It was one of my dad’s favorite expressions, and it’s particularly apt in these days of risk management.”

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  • Al has nine children and step-children and enjoys coaching a variety of youth sports.

  • He is an avid golfer and basketball player.

  • Favorite movies include The Shawshank Redemption, Glory, Field of Dreams, and The Untouchables (the accountant gets them in the end!).

  • Best loved books include Rick Reilly’s Missing Links, Ken Follet’s Pillars of the Earth and Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker.

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Glenn Bur­dette is a pro­gres­sive account­ing and busi­ness con­sult­ing firm ful­ly com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing our staff with pro­fes­sion­al growth oppor­tu­ni­ties. Bright, enthu­si­as­tic and team-ori­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als who have strong plan­ning, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, ana­lyt­i­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills are always wel­come here.

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